Friday, August 6, 2010

More Parenting Advice - that guy again

Some people think with their pituitary glands. Isn’t that disgusting? So, this is for them. Child harnesses. Get them, use them. Okay. That is all I am going to say about this. I have heard some people say that it’s demeaning, these harnesses. That parents who uses these harnesses are treating their children like dogs. Well, news flash: people don’t like it when dogs are running around loose at a store when they are trying to shop, or running around a restaurant barking for scraps when they are trying to have a romantic candle light dinner. People don’t like it when dogs are jumping up on them and scaring them. Knocking them down and slobbering all over them or taking a crap in the corner. It’s a nuisance to society. I would even go so far as to use the word “menace.” And this has got to stop. Someone has to say, “Stop.” So put your damn kids on a leash, already.
You see, children have to learn patience and how to control themselves in society. They should not be running around peeing in your neighbor’s garden or throwing rocks at his house or family. So put them on a leash and give them a yard of play to start. If they are good and don’t misbehave in public for say, a month, give them two yards. You will have to watch them constantly, but you will see improvement, believe me. Because there are not a lot of misbehaviours that a quick, sharp yank will not solve, or at least put a stop too, until you can get them out of the area. Believe me, this works. It works better than a yell with hand raised, works better than an open handed slap across the face, and works better than a wholesome whack across their little behind. I am speaking from experience here. And when combined with a good loud police whistle, these leashes are extremely effective. I mean, after all, you shouldn’t be expected to run around after your kid or watch them all the time, right? Holding them can be a chore, and they aren’t going to listen to you anyway, right? I mean, that’s a given. They are two years old for crissake. So do yourself and all of us a favor and get the damn leash.
And what is it with these sippy cups? If a kid can’t drink properly, then they don’t deserve to have anything to drink at all. I am sick and tired of having to be exposed to these children who are so pampered that they have to have a special cup that doesn’t drip on them. Is that how you teach about responsibility? Is that how you teach about growing up? No, it is not. It’s how you teach kids to avoid doing the hard things in life and take the easy road. And it makes me want to retch every time I run into one of these namby-pamby grown up babies with the helicopter parents who just suck their thumb and ask their friends to do their homework. So just give them a regular cup. If they spill some on themselves or on the floor, just have your wife change them or wipe up the mess. It will teach them a lesson—the kid, I mean. It will teach them to learn how to drink without spilling. Eventually. I know, I know, you are going to hear a lot of whining from the wife about how it’s a chore to change the kid’s shirt and carry a wet rag around all the time in order to clean up after the kid. Well, you just tell your wife that she should have thought about that before she said “I do”, Sarah.

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