Tuesday, August 17, 2010

September 2003 - A Letter from the Neighbors

The story of the Suzuki's microscopic fixation with detail opened its second chapter yesterday when I received in the mail a letter from some company whose name I did not recognize, and inside was a letter from someone acting at the behest of the Suzukis (I was so disgusted and it was already late, that I have not even bothered to check before putting it aside). The letter said, essentially, "please sign and return the enclosed letter. The enclosed letter does not have any legal effect on your rights". The enclosed letter was a letter in a form addressed to the Suzukis, stating that I agree to remove the [plastic bamboo -- Ed.] fence that is on their side of the property line, and when constructing a new fence, to build it within my property. So my initial impression was correct. These people are mental!! I bet they go around spraying every corner of their house with disinfectant to kill the microbes that are a constant threat to their health and well being. Stress will probably get them in the end. Or perhaps they will eventually wear me down. So, as I said, I have put the letter aside. I wonder, though, if I should appease these people so that they don't raise any obstacles to the construction (at this point I have no idea what they might be able to do to bother me). Or perhaps I should keep this paper as something to trade in the event I need something from them.

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